
The ancient town of Pharos was founded in 385 BC by settlers from the Greek island of Pharos, continuing its development throughout the era of the Roman Empire and particularly in the period of late antiquity. Archaeological research of this old town has been taking place for many years now, uncovering numerous fragments of pottery ranging from the time of the earliest Illyrian settlement and Greek and Hellenistic pottery through to that of the early Imperial Rome, late antiquity and the Middle Ages. The large fund of various preserved ceramic materials enables a systematic study and education for young experts and students in this field of applied art and craft through practical experience.


Courses are organised during the summer months of each year in Stari Grad on the island of Hvar for selected Croatian and foreign students.


The curriculum of each course aims to train young experts and students for participation in the regular activities of the conservation workshop at the Regional Institute for Protection of Historic Monuments and at archaeological museums in Dalmatia. Students will gain a knowledge of ancient pottery and of the analysis of archaeological pottery finds on sites and in the workshop.


Having acquired a basic knowledge of various pottery finds (prehistoric, Greek, Hellenistic, Roman and pottery from late antiquity and the Middle Ages), students undertake practical work concerning the analysis and treatment of pottery on the site and in the workshop. The program is oriented towards the fulfilment of the present need for documentation and conservation of various types of ancient pottery that were imported from numerous Mediterranean centres to the province of Dalmatia and whose influence affected the development and activities of local workshops. Particular emphasis is placed on the Greek pottery of ancient Pharos, one of the oldest towns in the Adriatic and the location of many exceptional works of art.


The course will last for two weeks (40 hours per week) during the summer months and will consist of the following subject metters:


Applications with a brief curriculum vitae and a letter of reference should be sent to the following addresses:

Konzervatorska radionica
Glavno povjerenstvo u Splitu - Drzavna uprava za zastitu kulturne i prirodne bastine
(Regional Institute for protection of historic monuments - Restoration Department - Split)
Poljudsko setaliste 15, 21000 SPLIT, Croatia
tel.385 21 342-327,48-993, fax 385 21 48-993
Contact person: Dr. Jasna Jelicic-Radonic

FPMZOP/Zavod za likovnu kulturu (Department of visual art)
Sveuciliste u Splitu (University of Split)
Teslina 12, 21000 SPLIT, Croatia
tel. 385 21 587-133,589-009; fax 385 21 362-431
Contact person: M. Arch. Ivana Sverko